Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wǒ gǎnmào le / 我感冒/ I have a cold.

我感冒 or wǒ gǎnmào le or I have a cold.   It's been about 2-1/2 weeks and I'm sick of being sick.   What started as a little rattle in the lungs developed into a bronchial fire every time I coughed.  The virus diversified and branched out into my sinuses and the simultaneous lung inferno and sinus pressure has been quite a miserable experience.  I am a natural/home remedy/Chinese-herb-lovin' kind of gal... and so I started with the herbs right away. (Attempting to explain my symptoms to the woman at the pharmacy was something straight out of a Seinfeld episode)
There are several ways to ingest the herbs.  One is a crystallized-powder type that is mixed with hot water... they all generally taste like some kind of sweetened tree bark... but nothing gag-worthy.

Another form is a compact ball of compressed herbs that, once removed from the wax/plastic casing, is popped in the mouth, chewed and swallowed.

Not terrible tasting... but not candy... after all, it is medicine.

I found a nice syrup that DOES taste like candy and is actually quite effective for calming the cough and soothe some symptoms.  A nice mix of herbs and honey.

I discovered that when trying to swig a quick dose in between classes it's a good idea to announce that I'm going to take some medicine... otherwise I get some funny looks while tipping the bottle behind my locker. 

Also found an effective cough drop/throat lozenge:

In addition to the herbs, I was eating a lot of raw ginger, drinking apple cider vinegar, and taking a few thousand mg of vitamin C to support the immune system and since I couldn't smell anything and I don't have a roommate, eating raw garlic to kill any bacteria / infection in the sinuses.

Usually this combination of boosters will wipe out whatever ails me, but I believe part of the reason for the longevity of this sickness has been that I haven't been able to get proper rest.  I can't call in sick to work because we don't have enough teachers to cover my classes... no substitutes here.  Unless I'm on my death bed, I pretty much need to go to work (which is not great considering I'm spreading my sick to a school full of kids).  Another contributing factor is the air. As I've mentioned before, it seems to have a layer of ick in it.  I feel that my body is already working overtime to filter... and now it's trying to fight a virus on top of it.  I'm almost out of the woods, but it's lingering.

In the states, I would not easily drink Ny-Quil or pop a Mucinex pill.  I don't believe in treating  symptoms as it does not generally help the body fight the sickness, and it often seems to make it worse in the long run as a person tends to do more than they should since the drug helps them 'feel better'.  It's been years since I've had any of that kind of medication.  HOWEVER, in order to sleep and / or function during the day, I would have downed a half a bottle of any of it ...had I had it.  Currently, I have a care-package on the way from Dr. Mom in the event that I am struck again.

I have had a couple of offers to take me to the hospital (which is used like a clinic back home).  They are big on intravenous drips here... really big, and as exciting as a trip to the drip forest sounds I would rather my body fight this and build an impervious immunity wall, than be given antibiotics for a virus, xie xie very much.

Another thing I kick myself for not bringing is my Neti Pot.

I know they freak people out... but honestly, I can't think of a better daily maintenance here in the dirty air.  Another care package is on it's way with a new Neti Pot from Auntie Annie.  Let the nasal passage cleansing commence!

Oh, yeah, by the way... I must share that I did spit in public.  Copious amounts of mucus being produced and not having a tissue handy made it... necessary.  I'm not proud, but I do feel a little more like one of the gang now. 

I think I promised to write about more refined things after my last post on the 'bathroom'... sorry, maybe next time.

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